My son, and one of Service of Supply’s employees, ran a 🎃 fun run today wearing full Vietnam era combat gear. The 5k is raising money for great community organizations, but Ian is asking for sponsors to help raise money for the VFW Foundation. Help him through his GoFund Me.
Very interesting website with some great photography and incredible information about vintage and modern weapons.
Service of Supply is not just a business. It’s a personal collection, a way to honor our nation’s military veterans, and a vehicle for getting students involved in our patriotic history. Bryan Dibble collects uniforms of all eras and puts them to use for Veterans Day, demonstrations, living history displays, and much more. Students from our city eagerly volunteer to represent the military men and women of the past. Our group is called SERVE – Students Engaged in Re-creating Veteran’s Experiences. SERVE teaches students about the period of time they are representing. We meet veterans at the VFW and learn more about what they experienced in the service. Students who are wearing uniforms also are called upon to teach others, especially younger kids, what that uniform represents and who the people were called up to serve at that time in American history. Since the late 1990s, hundreds of students have worn the uniforms and “walked a step in their shoes.”
KATS FM posted a cool little video last year for Veterans Day. We do this every year, and it’s fun to see the students wearing the uniforms and interacting with the vets at the FVW in Yakima, WA. Thanks to KATS for being there and sharing what these great kids do for our vets!
This is a YouTube link for a great video using fuse it powder to repair holes in wool suit jackets. We have a number of uniforms on the site that need this, but for the price, we’re not going to do the work. I’ve done it with a few of my jackets, and it works. You can buy the Bo Nash Bonding Powder on Amazon and other places.